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Bipolarized: Weathering The Storms Of Loving A Bipolar Son

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to support a loved one with bipolar disorder, while navigating and surviving their highs and lows? Imagine being on a surfboard soaring up and down through the waves, all while being engulfed by a relentless and unpredictable tsunami.

The title “Bipolarized” captures the essence of the emotional ups and downs, and perfectly describes the experience of navigating life with a bipolar loved one. This is the reality for those who love and support someone with this disorder.

“Bipolarized” is a raw and poignant memoir that dives deep into the heart of a family living in the constant whirlpool of bipolar disorder. Through the eyes of a devoted mother, this book offers an intimate glimpse into the tumultuous journey of loving a son battling this challenging mental health condition.

Witness the struggles, mishaps, and occasional moments of joy that come with the bipolar disorder. Witness also the unwavering strength of the author’s son and the family’s unyielding commitment to him.

This compelling narrative goes beyond the surface, delving into the resilience and compassion that emerge in the face of adversity. It’s a testament to the power of love and the human spirit, even in the darkest of times.


There wasn’t much left of me after him. He had entered my life in one brilliant moment, and swooped out just as suddenly.

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to support a loved one with bipolar disorder, while navigating and surviving their highs and lows? Imagine being on a surfboard soaring up and down through the waves, all while being engulfed by a relentless and unpredictable tsunami.

The title “Bipolarized” captures the essence of the emotional ups and downs, and perfectly describes the experience of navigating life with a bipolar loved one. This is the reality for those who love and support someone with this disorder.

“Bipolarized” is a raw and poignant memoir that dives deep into the heart of a family living in the constant whirlpool of bipolar disorder. Through the eyes of a devoted mother, this book offers an intimate glimpse into the tumultuous journey of loving a son battling this challenging mental health condition.

Witness the struggles, mishaps, and occasional moments of joy that come with the bipolar disorder. Witness also the unwavering strength of the author’s son and the family’s unyielding commitment to him.

This compelling narrative goes beyond the surface, delving into the resilience and compassion that emerge in the face of adversity. It’s a testament to the power of love and the human spirit, even in the darkest of times.


“The story came to me in a dream and gripped my every waking thought. Soul and tears were poured into this novel, and I hope it wakes and soothes your heart.”


Now Available on Kindle




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